Dear Diary (the “book” is below)….

Posted on 05.16.19

I stumbled on my old blog from many years ago. Don’t even ask me how! Regardless, it’s a glimpse inside my head from the time. For a true fan, a good read. For everyone else? See if it makes you a true fan. Lol!

I flipped it so that it reads from start to finish…ish. It’s from a time where I was literally just coming off of my time in “Johnny Whatever” and 200+ shows a year, starting my solo career, to when I slammed on the brakes.

Here it is…in it’s entirety (meaning, it’s all that I could find, there may be more someplace!)

September, 2002 News Archives

9/6/02 – I hung out today wondering what the hell to do with my career.  Sometime during the day I got a call from Chris Morgan of Morgan Entertainment.  They book all of the Singer Park shows in Manchester, New Hampshire like the “Rock Free or Die” concerts, among a ton of other things.  He was interested in the Johnny Whatever thing….I steered clear of that in hopes that he’d want to work with me as a solo act. He did.  We talked, agreed on some things, and booked a couple of shows. I’m a little excited.

9/9/02 – I got a call today from someone in Portland, Maine.  Seems like they have a pretty good cover band, but are now pursuing the “all original avenue” and are looking for a singer for the project.  My ever-faithful agent, Paul Costley, was kind enough to point them in my direction. That Pauly, always lookin’ out for me. Turns out that the bassist in the band that called me was one day late in the “replace a Johnny Whatever guy race” about three years ago.  Back then he was playing guitar, and looking for something new. He called the day after I picked up Vinny. Yep….a little late. We’ll see what happens this time around. This too, has me a little excited.

9/11/02 – I’ve been hacking away at this website for a week or so trying to find a good look for it.  Sometime, late one night this is what I came up with. I’ll stick with it until I get bored with the colors.  I have to take some more pics for that Photography (not “Pornography”) link that goes to the infamous “this page isn’t done yet” outcome.  And then there’s the message board that needs to be finished….gotta love what some people write in those guestbooks! I should have the whole thing wrapped up before the weekend.  I kind of like this News section thing. I’ll be honest, I got the idea from Mike (from the old Johnny Whatever days). He just finished up touring across the US in support of his band’s new CD and kept a journal along the way.  It’s a good way to let people know what’s happening, what’s going to happen and what’s supposed to be happening. I might keep this up.

Oh yeah, and I looked outside at around 6pm as to see what the windy & stormy evening  was up to. Seems it had it in for my Harley as it had no problem blowing it over and breaking a few things.  Surprisingly enough, I wasn’t that upset….insurance. Although….the guy that owns the bike that was next to mine?  Yeah, he’s going to be pissed. I picked mine up, left his.

9/15/02 – I just got back from the show in Newbury, NH.  Typical for that place while it’s still warm out….starts off with somewhat of a crowd, and then dwindles down to the staff and myself.  I played one extended set, took a break, hung out and talked with Tina – the bartender (whom I hadn’t seen in a couple of years), packed up, grabbed my money and headed out.  Gotta love those nights!

I ran into the manager of the lodge at Mt. Sunapee at the bar.  I did some shows there a couple of years ago….good times. I was actually wondering if I’d hear from him for some stuff this year, I guess my question was answered.  We agreed to get in touch over the next couple of weeks. It’s nice when people “want” you to come back.

On another note, still haven’t heard anything back from the insurance company about my bike….bastards.  Maybe they don’t understand that it’s going to be too cold to ride here soon. Unfortunately, I’m at their mercy when it comes to this.

No use getting more than a little bit upset over it all.

9/25/02 – I made some changes to the site today…resizing and stuff.  Just trying to make sure that everyone who has internet access also has access to my site….without all of those damned scroll bars everywhere!  I also decided to upload another song. It’s called “Perspective.” Just a demo acoustic version, but at least it’s something new. I penned it this past spring.  Still have to get in touch with a couple of people regarding fall & winter shows. I’m trying to be kind of choosy about where I play as I’d like to get out there and play for those that will listen rather than for those who are just “there.”  It’s a never ending battle. Good news… bike can be fixed by me! I did some checking and found out that what was broken in the tornado-ish hurricane is all cosmetic and should only take me an hour or so to fix. Now, if the dealer would just have all of the parts in stock!  At least I should be able to get some miles in before Christmas! I made a claim to the insurance company, but I’ll just blow that off and not go through with it- speaking of that….got a refund check in the mail from them today! Something about me overpaying my premium. That should buy me dinner at a fast food joint….yum!

October, 2002 News Archives

10/6/02 – Made it back safely from the Jillian’s show last night.  It was the first time that I played inside…back in the other days it was always out on the deck.  I must say, I like the room. Even though there isn’t a “stage,” it’s a good setup to interact with the audience.  I’m anxious to get back there at the end of the month. The staff was great…as was everyone that showed up. All in all?  Just a good freakin’ time! Got a chance to meet Chris Morgan (the promoter/agent)….he handed me some cash when he walked in and mentioned that we’d talk this week on his way out.  Just the way I like to do business.

On another note, I received an email from Grover Pro Percussion, makers of Silver Fox drumsticks apparently wanting to endorse me, or my band, or something….one word……drums?  I passed the info along to some friends of mine that have an independent music show syndicated on 60 or so radio stations across the country.  That ought to get the word out for them.

I’m still sifting through pics both old & new to get something on that particular page.  My good friend Steven has inadvertently become the show photographer and swears that he’s getting better at it every time out.  There are some pretty good shots of the floor, someone’s leg…..and himself. One question….Steve, where the hell am I???

10/10/02 – Good news this evening….got offered an opening spot for Gary Cherone’s new band “Tribe of Judah” in Nashua, New Hampshire next month.  I most willingly accepted. For those unaware, Gary was the lead singer for “Extreme” and later “Van Halen.” Gotta love opportunity. Uh oh….time to write some refreshingly fresh new material!  I keep saying that I’ll get around to it….guess it’s time to get around.

I was also offered a regular spot at Jillian’s….took that, too.  This is getting better. Why again didn’t I concentrate on this solo thing a long time ago?Can anybody tell me?

November, 2002 News Archives

11/12/02 – Apologies for the delay in the what’s happening section-  Life in general got a little crazy & I didn’t have much time to put to the site.  I’ll sum everything up by saying this…The opening spot for Gary Cherone was definitely a good move & seemed to keep things heading in the right direction (also, Steve came through with some great pics that will be posted right away…very cool); I’ve accepted a Thursday night show at Jillian’s which is advertised as (coincidentally), “Hippo Press & 106.3 WHOB present Sean McCarthy Live”….I’ll take it!  Hopefully this leads to some more airplay in the near future. Been working with Chris Morgan more & talking about more opening shows in the coming months which I’m looking forward to. I’ll keep the info posted as it rolls across my table. I’ve probably got more stuff to talk about, but I’ll save it for a different rainy day than this one.

11/22/02 – Finally got a few of those pics up….another special thanks going out to Steven for spending my 35 minute set at the Boston Billiard Club shooting away!

Started doing the Thursday night thing at Jillian’s, a little slow start, but all in all I’m confident that with the promotional backing it’ll catch up & catch on.  Things with Morgan Entertainment are looking really good. They’ve now pretty much signed on as “just about” exclusive management for me. It’s great to have someone on your side pounding the pavement for you and making things happen…major credit to Chris Morgan for getting “Goodbye” in the WHOB rotation.  Apparently, a slew (sp?) of radio stations are putting together a ski resort tour in which tons of 60 second spots will be run all over the place. I only mention this because “Goodbye” is flagged to be the background canvas for the ads and yours truly might be headlining…so to speak…the whole “live” end of things.  You know the routine…I’ll keep you posted.

It was mentioned the other night about a major sponsorship maybe coming my way….something about someone having a big chunk of change and looking for an opportunity to burn it on something worthwhile.  Again…tbc…

And lastly but certainly not leastly….VERY COOL NEWS coming up next week if you’re me.  You can listen to 106.3 WHOB for the announcement on Monday, 11/25 between 7 & 8 am or just check back here for the formal release.  I’ve been instructed to keep it under wraps until the official press release….this is me…keeping it under wraps like I’d promised…

Okay then…ramble on.  More on everything later.  More on everything else when I feel like it.

December, 2002 News Archives

12/20/02 – Damn…it’s been a month since I’ve written in this thing!  Oops! Of course now I’m racking my brain trying to think of what’s gone on…  Well, there’s the concert this Saturday…still waiting on the news about the major sponsor….that news was supposed to come down the wire today but I haven’t spoken to management about it yet.  Might happen, might not…fingers crossed at the joints. Landed an opening spot for David Gates of “Bread” fame. Huge band back in the 70’s…..personally, I’m a really big fan and am looking forward to this.  I’m also making an appearance at Waterville Valley, NH on the 28th with The Aerosmith tribute band “Draw The Line.” The plan is to get me in front of a Sony affiliated label or something of that nature. I’m in.

Other than that?  It’s cold. Time to get the skis tuned up.  Thought about trying that snowboarding thing a few times, but I hear that you have to fall down a couple of hundred times in order to learn.  No thanks. I’ll pass on that nonsense.

12/22/02 – Just made it back from the WHOB show in Manchester.  Not a huge turnout by any means, but all in all a pretty good time.  Thoroughly enjoyed the “July For Kings” set…..great band. It’s nice to see a group of guys who are as down to earth as they are.  After signing autographs in the middle of it all along with a couple of the guys, I was downstairs in the dungeon (we’ll call it that for now) waiting for Brian Vander Ark to open his door….JFK’s singer walked out of the room, proceeded to head toward the stairs to the stage to start their set, but then turned around….walked toward me and stuck out his hand.  “Hey, I’m Joe…I really like your voice.” I just thought it was very cool that he made it a point to turn around and introduce himself…the compliment was a bonus. Thanks, Joe. My new copy of their CD will get a bunch of play on the road.

On another note, apparently I’ll be opening for……can you guess?  No? K…..I’ll spill it. “O-town.” Management seems to feel that a broad audience is a good thing.  Hey, stick me in a room full of people that’ll pay attention to me as long as I have the microphone and, well…..count me in.  I’ll keep you posted.

That’s enough.  Time to crash. I’ll put a couple of pics up later. One more thing…the crowd, although small, was great.  Can you believe that I don’t have anything sarcastic to say? Hmmmm…I must be tired.

12/30/02 – Trying to get better at this “keeping up with the news” thing.  Accepted a last minute offer to play New Year’s Eve tomorrow night.  When I say, “No thanks,” I guess what I really mean is, “How much are you willing to pay me???!!”  All good. Should be fun even though the trip down may be slick due to freezing rain on the way.  After the “Jillian’s” thing was put on hold for a few weeks, Chris (Management) was able to put together another deal with them for me to play Friday nights….much better than Thursdays.  Props to him for working for me even when I’m sleeping, driving, going crazy or whatever. It also involves better promo (a MUCH bigger ad in The Hippo Press on the back cover) & radio play of sorts.  Gotta do a new photo shoot this week…they want color. So, I’ll try to look good for the camera (hate pics…just hate ’em). Alright, I’m done. It’s been a really long last couple of days….my brain needs a rest and so do parts of my body.

January, 2003 News Archives

1/3/03 – I’m sitting in a hotel room on this “just about to snow really hard” Friday afternoon.  Doing the Jillian’s thing tonight. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been there & I’m really looking forward to it…although this storm will probably put a huge damper on the whole thing and it’ll feel more like slow Thursday than a Friday.  Figures….fuckin’ weather. It’s been a long week…I need more duct tape….company would be great right now. Although, I seem to have all the comforts of home in this “suite”…of course the dinner menu may consist of some delivery of sorts.  I was really looking forward to Chinese food last night for some strange reason…..opted for a slice of pizza instead…some other time…the pizza was good. Regardless, I have the entire day to kill. I’m hoping that I have it in me to pen a few new songs.  I have all of the ideas, but the mood just hasn’t hit me. Actually, it has, but at the time I was driving and even though I managed to reach in the back and snag an 8×10 of myself out of the box, flip it over and scratch down my thoughts (in the dark…it was night time), I just couldn’t focus on things enough before having to put both eyes on the road again.  I’ll see what happens.

Stopped in a music store in downtown Manch before checking in, was pleased that the back page of the Hippo Press was 50% full of me.  If nothing else, maybe some people that read it will be curious enough to stop by the show just to see who the hell I am.

A quick thanks to Steve & Lisa at “Striker’s” on New Year’s Eve.  At first, I had turned the show down 2 or 3 times. I was still skeptical about it all until I walked in and they both went out of their way to make me feel welcome.  Can’t say enough good about ’em.

K, I have to try to make use of my time….being productive is a good thing.  Hope I don’t forget the duct tape.

1/6/03 – Forgot the duct tape the other night.  I was able to scrounge some from somewhere behind the bar, though.  I’m hanging way up in northern VT and it turns out that I’m coming down with the flu, or a cold or something…fantastic.  Regardless, I’m working on new material and I’m in hopes that something good comes out of the time that I have to dedicate to it.  I think that I have some pretty great stories to tell, as a matter of fact, I’m sure of it. I think that I’ve finally figured out where the actual “work” comes into play here.  I’m excited….I’m disturbed….I’m anxious….I can’t wait….I’m needy….I’m excited again. I’m having faith…..given time, things will write themselves and the end result will be perfect.  I’m sure of it.

I think that I’ve finally got the mailing list thing fixed.  Seems it had something to do with the host of the site.  That’s a good thing. Again, we’ll see. I’ll attempt to send something out maybe later this evening.  For now, I’ll enjoy this time and eat (Sorry, hungry)…I’m thinking I’ll whip up some sort of pasta dish….

1/11/03 – Still up in VT…got a couple of songs written, one of which I’m extremely happy with.  Trying to stay somewhat focused, it’s quiet up here, which I guess is good for this sort of thing.  It’s almost 1 a.m., being so close to the Canadian border the television has its share of stations of the same nature (and language).  Left it on a late night talk show and the band “Blue Rodeo” is playing….I haven’t heard of them since I used to date a girl from Quebec a long time ago.  Strange how things change…still a good band.

Trying to tie up the final touches on a few deals, shows, etc.  I’m hoping that next week brings the good news that we’ve been working toward…more later.  Got asked to make an appearance at the Jillian’s open mike night on Wednesday.  One of the managers gave me a call way up here and offered me what he could for the trip and a few tunes….it’s very much appreciated.  I’ll see what happens and if the schedule puts me in the area, I might just pop in.

Been trying to get some airplay for “Goodbye” on a few stations throughout the area.  The plan is to re-record it and give it a different sound. At the moment, I’m thinking that one of these new songs that I’ve been working on may be a better choice to push.  Unfortunately, because I want some element of surprise with the CD, I’m keeping demos of the new material off the site.

Sorry ’bout that!

I keep getting emails from people about playing this cool little bar near Bretton Woods that I used to play at occasionally….Just for kicks, I may try to set something up for old time’s sake while I’m up here.  It might be fun….and a good place to try out the new stuff.

Tip….when up in this area (even on a Friday night), be sure to get what you need or crave at the store BEFORE 10pm….went out in the freezing cold, everything was closed, everything.

It’s late.  I’m calling it a night.  

1/14/03 – Writer’s block is occasionally getting the best of me, but I’m being persistent.  Between catching up on “Letterman,” pacing and passing time until the sun comes back up, I’m managing to finish up a few songs that I realize, upon completion, totally suck…but, I’m also getting some in there that are/were worth the time and head pounding.

Management this morning was able to secure a big deal with a major sponsor for yours truly (I think I mentioned something about this a while back).  I can tell you about it in person, but I’ll wait until the beginning of next week to actually make the announcement on the site as with my luck overall lately, the term jinx is rapidly coming to mind.  Aside from the apparent secrecy that I’m maintaining, I’m excited.  Thanks again to Christopher (he’ll hate that) for the time and then the time again.  What was that again, Chris? My checkbook or yours?! 🙂

Time to make a couple of calls as we’re also in agreement in regard to one of the newest songs….meaning that it could really help things move along even faster if we get it recorded in the studio.  So, time for me to do a little work on that end. Put in a call to an old friend in Seattle to do the drum track, I’m sure he won’t mind escaping the rain for the…ummmm…..nice weather here??

Took a trip out early this afternoon…….cold & pretty, but pretty cold, too.  I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. I just have a feeling that it promises to be a good day….I could use the change in tempo…

Frank said it best, “Fly me to the moon, let me play under the stars…Let me see what Spring is like on Jupiter and Mars…”  

Thanks, Frank, I needed that.

1/22/03 – Well, I made it through last weekend’s mountainous travels.  To say the least, they lacked in almost everything…including the crowd.  Although, Jillian’s was a good time….and was thankfully the show that wrapped up the weekend for me.  I’m looking forward to the shows this weekend, I just hope that the frigid weather lets up just a little…this is getting old.

Okay, now onto some good news…We’re having my good friend Todd Johnson flown in from Seattle at the beginning of next week to come in and record a few songs with me for the EP (that’s short for, “short CD”) that’s being released within the next few weeks (okay, sometime in February).  Todd & I have known each other for…ummm….damn, a long time! When the discussion of a drummer came up, he was the first to come to mind. He’s only here for about a day & a half, so there’s a lot to do in a little amount of time. I’m pretty excited about this!

And then on to some MORE good news….(I can finally spill it)….”Molson Canadian” has recently signed on as a major sponsor of, well…!  Rock the frig on! Thanks in the past to those of you that purchased beverages for me in the past, should you care to continue doing so in the future…..please make it a Molson Canadian….and get yourself one, too.  (Pretty good, huh?! I keep practicing this stuff…) Again, thanks to Chris for working so hard to make things so much easier for me.

And so ends yet another news flash from freezing cold Vermont.  It’s cold, man. I can’t even tell you how cold. Holy crap. More hot chocolate, please.  And send cookies…lots of cookies.

1/25/03 – Almost out the door of this hotel room headed for the show in Raymond, NH.  Yesterday proved to be a reminder of what it was like in the old Johnny W days of multiple shows in a single 8 hour period….can you say, “shoulda hired me a roadie?”  I realized that it’s not the actual performance that takes a lot out of me, but everything around it…like trying to remember to eat, get some rest, plan on enough driving time….you know, simple stuff.  All in all, a good time. The gang at Bretton Woods was great and great to see. Funny thing (not that it was planned), as I walked in to the place I noticed Molson Canadian paraphernalia throughout.  Nice timing! I don’t have a single other performance booked there again this year, but I’m really hoping that that will change or that I can at least work something out to play a show in that area when it’s a better planned and promoted thing.  Always such a good time. A quick “hey” to Matty over there….ummm, I think I forgot my poster!

Jillian’s….well, what can I say?  I honestly can’t remember playing a place with such a great staff.  It’s like that every time I end up there. I move to Saturdays in February….should be fun.

Counting down the hours to when Todd gets here.  I’m anxious to work on the new stuff & get it recorded this week.  I’ve been trying some of it out during the shows, it seems that those who pay attention like it….and those who aren’t paying attention, well……aren’t.

The excitement is still here regarding the spot with “Edwin McCain“….and the “David Gates” show is creeping up…good things are happening.

K, outta here again.  Time to start warming my voice up as I haven’t left this room all day (love takeout)……ah-hem…, la, la, la, la, la, la, la…..yeah, this could be a while…

1/27/03 – Hanging in the hotel with Todd…it’s just after 11pm.  After getting stuck in some sort of traffic thing on the way back from Boston, eating and then talking with “Lou” the check-in lady and trying to explain what we were doing here, it was necessary to utilize the lower level facilities….meaning Todd worked out and I figured I’d just go for a quick swim and hang in the hot tub.  I’m waiting for my laundry to dry (I know, a bunch of you needed to know that, I just wanted to make sure that passed the word along).

Tomorrow seems like it’s here.  We have just one day to get a lot recorded and I could really use some sleep.  I woke up this morning feeling a little “not good.” Happy to say that I think that it’s just a case of being over tired.  I’ll fix that in a few.

Todd apparently isn’t liking the cold weather much more than I am….it’s nice to find out that I’m not really crazy.  On a good note for him, he’ll be back in Seattle in less than 48 hours…me? Still be here. Freezing.

(ie; Tonight’s advisory…A Wind Chill Advisory Is Issued When Prolonged Cold Temperatures…Combined With Sustained Winds…Are Expected To Produce Bitter Cold Wind Chill Values Of – 20 To – 29 Degrees…For At Least 3 Hours…..yeah, great, huh?)

Please send spring break heat from Florida….if not, please send money and/or plane tickets.  Oh yeah, and Todd needs new drum heads….and Nyquil.

1/30/03 – Well…after more hours in the studio than I’d care to remember over the last couple of days, I’m extremely happy with the results.  We were able to get three new songs laid down.  When I first thought to bring Todd in on this project for the drum tracks, I wasn’t actually prepared for the absolutely amazing job he would end up doing.  He, to say the least, far exceeded my, or anyone else’s expectations. We got back to the hotel from the studio on Tuesday night around 1:15am to find that neither one of our cards would open the door (that was fun) and crashed….only to get up at 5:15 to make his 7:50am flight out of Boston….oops…the flight was actually at 6.  Todd seemed pretty confident about the time, so neither one of us checked the email confirmation that my manager sent both of us.  As I understand it, Todd spent the next half-day catching up on his phone calls from the airport while awaiting the later flight which would also cause him to miss his band’s show in Tacoma, WA that night.  I just don’t understand…..all of the planning seemed to go pretty well! Sorry about that, Todd…we’ll get the bugs out for the next time!

As I was saying, the songs came out as I was hoping.  Mixing will take place next week, and then it’s onto another studio for mastering.  Todd Bowie…no relation to David….engineered the sessions. His credits (meaning playing with, recording for, “teching,” touring with or engaging in some professionally conducted musical business with…..) include The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Joe Walsh, Beck, Toiz (Sorry, Todd….HAD to put that in!), and others….including something I read on the wall about appearing in a Drew Carey episode.  Basically, this means that things have, and will, come out great.  Great guy, great studio, great sound.

I haven’t slept much, or eaten right in days.  Yeah….THIS is what it’s about! I’ll post pics from the studio on the site over the next few days.  The songs? Yep…you’ll have to wait.

Shake ‘n bake.

February, 2003 News Archives

2/6/03 – A lot has happened in the last few days, although as I’m trying to recap everything in my head….I’m coming up empty!  Spent time mixing the new songs. Going to try to add something to one track in particular next week to see if it will help or hurt.  Once that’s done (or not), it’ll be that much closer for release. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll all be done and packaged in the next three weeks.

Turned another year older this week….funny, feels like last week.

Just got a call from a friend who’s in some film school in Maine.  He called me last week and asked if I’d make an appearance at a fundraiser that they’re putting on at the school in Rockport, ME….I’m in.  It’s great to be asked….and I’m sure that it’ll be a great time. Supposed to happen next Thursday…..road trip.

Made a call to an old friend from the JW days….Mike.  His band’s touring…and touring….and something about an alternator for an ’84 conversion van and only thirty-something bucks in the band fund….but he was still in good spirits and laughing….that’s a good sign….or a sign that everyone’s going crazy and they’ll never make it back to AZ!  All the best to them and the entire endeavor. It was good talking to him…it’s been a while.

Okay…..time for cookies…two shows tomorrow, gotta keep up the energy level.


2/10/03 – Just a minute for a quick minute.  Hmmm…what’s been happening? Still waiting for the final mix of the tracks for the CD…excited about that, designing new promo material…working on that, figuring out what’s next…thinking about that.

A noteworthy news mention…Todd Bowie, the engineer and studio owner of, well, the studio that the new material was recorded in, will be playing with “Beck” on Saturday Night Live this Saturday, February 15th.  We were to work on a few more things in the studio, but he has to bolt off to New York for the week instead….good gig for him.  He’ll be the one behind the keyboards. I’ll find a TV after the David Gates show to watch it somewhere!

Okay, I’m rushing…can’t be creative when I’m rushing.  I’ll add more later…..

Hunger is setting in…

2/13/03 – Getting ready to head up to Maine for the show.  Found out that my name made the “Edwin McCain” site for the show in March….meaning, those that see it may not know who I am, but nevertheless, my name’s mentioned…so I’ll take it.

Again, be sure to watch Saturday Night Live this Saturday to catch Todd Bowie (More in the News archives) with Beck.

Popping up a stream of 32 seconds of one of the new songs…..just for kicks.  Click on it in the Listen section of the site.

Off…again….btw- tix still available for the David Gates show this Saturday night (2/15)…..did I mention I’ll be opening the show?

Yeah, thought so.

Smooth Operator.

2/15/03 – Just about to head off for the show with David Gates.  My guitar spent a little too much time out in the vehicle in the well below freezing temps….the cracks in the finish tell the story.  What would be better? Only if the glue was affected as well and things broke in the middle of my set tonight. Let’s really hope that doesn’t happen.  Although, it was time for a new guitar before this, now it comes down to “no choice in the matter”….Supposed to be meeting with my guitar rep soon to try a few new ones out.  Hmmm……any possibility he’ll come to the show? Doubtful…..fingers crossed for the thing to hold up.

On a good note…..Thursday night in Maine was fun.  They didn’t get quite the turnout that they were planning, but it was cold, man…really cold!  Everyone stayed kind of close together, I sang for a bit, we all drank for a bit, and then we all called it and headed to higher…er, warmer ground.  I had the privilege of meeting my friend’s girlfriend for the first time….great girl….great person.  I hope that she has tons of success with her film. Another privilege….I was fortunate enough to play the show while actor/director/producer/writer/singer (not in any particular order) Valerie Landsburg ( was in from L.A. teaching at the school.  She came out to support the cause and we ended up talking for quite a while & exchanging contact info.  I’m hoping that this may lead to some new and promising career changes and maybe someone to hang out with in my travels to the west coast.

Chris also notified me that my name was in Pollstar.  I was psyched because I truly believe that it’s his favorite magazine!  (Even if it’s in the online version……….type in my name)

The tracks are off to be mastered for the CD.  Getting closer!

That’s pretty much the word for the day.  I get the pink room backstage tonight…..could it get any better?

I just don’t think so.

2/17/03 – The “David Gates” show went off without a hitch…happy to say.  No broken guitars, always a good thing. I’d also like to say that I’ve never worked with a better stage/sound crew…unbelievably able and willing.  Thanks guys! And as for David Gates himself? Well worth the opportunity to open the show. I’ve always been a fan, and I wasn’t disappointed at all.  I also had the pleasure of meeting Judith from the Hippo Press who was kind enough to ask for an interview, and I was more than happy to make the time.  I have no idea how she’ll put together what we talked about…but good or bad, I think that it’ll be in this week’s issue.  I’m anxious to read her thoughts.

Very cool shows coming up in the future… made me swear to secrecy until things are signed…so here I am…being secretive.  Hope things hurry along, because they’re really great shows.

New pics on the Pics page.  I’m trying to keep up with that as I used to seriously slack in that dept.

Okay, time for timer.  I’m outta here.

2/24/03 – Got a call early this afternoon to play a show in North Woodstock, New Hampshire……so, being me, I’m there.  It’s hard to know what to expect on an “unadvertised” show on a Monday night, so I’ll just go & sing and play, and play and sing.  Maybe a few locals will show up to hang for a bit, maybe not.

Trying to finish up the cover concept for the CD.  I know, due out when?  I’m on it….and if not, I’ll get somebody else on it.

Other than that, kind of a drab day.  I have no idea what that means, but I’m using it because it fits.

Strings…I need strings….and picks, need those, too.  Didn’t plan on the show, running low and have to get to a music store and pay ridiculous prices.  Gotta find a store that’s open first….good luck to me on that one.

Over and out and over again.

2/26/03 – Just another cold day.  Turns out that I’m not a big fan of New England winters after the first day of below zero temps….go figure.

Monday night’s show actually went pretty well.  Not a huge crowd, but attentive….always like attentive.

Not sure exactly of all of the details, but it looks as though I have another good semi-regular gig (still hate that word) on the way.  This one needs a few passes with the iron but I’m pretty psyched with a capital psy.  Should have the news and be able to post it hopefully by the weekend.

Found strings the other night in a town on the way via a phone call prior to departure.  Nice to have friends that own music stores & pizza places. One store closed, left the goods & a receipt marked “not paid” off at another.  I never missed a beat…..although I seem to have missed the mail and the check that I should have put in it over the last two days. Yeah, remind me…thanks beforehand.

Word is there may be a spread, although quite possibly a very small one, in the Union Leader tomorrow (2/27).  Should be somewhere in the Weekend section that comes out coincidentally, on Thursdays.  If you’re in New Hampshire somewhere, a couple of quarters and you might just see the new press photo…..and if that doesn’t make you want to write home…

Just hanging trying to catch up on things and get some work done.  Is there a Molson in the house? That would be good right now……anyone?  


Take your time, I’ll wait.

March, 2003 News Archives

3/04/03 – Trying to recap the past weekend and all that went along with it.  Let’s see……two hotel rooms, a snow storm of sorts, and….hmmmm….drawing a blank.  Should’ve updated this while things were fresh in my mind.

Manchester’s Union Leader did a spotlight on yours truly in last week’s Weekend section.  It was greatly appreciated and I’m sure made more people think, “who the heck is this guy and why is he in so many newspapers lately?”  Hopefully, some radio play of the new material shortly will at least help to put the newsprint with a matching sound….another step in the right direction.  Just finishing up the cover for the CD as the music is mastered and ready to go. Management was running to the airport last night to catch the Fedex plane in an attempt to get some of it off to a record label….or something.  Always thinkin’, Chris…always thinkin’.

In the process of working some sort of deal to play at some new venues.  Keep up in the Live section for those postings.

An important announcement; The Edwin McCain show has been cancelled.  The show was to take place at a new venue that has yet to open and upon realization that it wouldn’t be ready on time, an attempt was made to relocate the show without success.  Please check back for other concert dates as they are currently in the works and will be posted soon. For those that purchased advance tickets, please go to the Live section of the site and follow the link for the show for refund information.

Well, work to do……I’m off like a mullet in a 21st century hair salon.

3/15/03 – Man, I slack at updating this “new news” thing, huh?  Let’s see….first, to get the subject out of the way, the CD…previously scheduled for late February release, it was in the final stage of being “retail ready” when someone remembered a certain yodeling part that wasn’t included in the final recording sessions.  So, I’m off to put that in this coming week. Just a couple of hours in the studio and a ten day delay and it’ll be ready for the world.  Thanks for your patronage…er, patience.

Landed the opening spot for “Larry the Cable Guy” in Lebanon, New Hampshire in July.  Very excited about this, although…I’m not really that funny, so I’ll just sing.  The fun part will be when I take the stage with my guitar and those who don’t know me will expect a comedian who tosses in musical sketches here & there….and, upon completion of my set word will be, “That guy really wasn’t that funny.”  To those people I say in advance, “Thanks for listening, Larry’s next.”

Booked some seacoast shows & a few other things, it’s all in the “Live” section….or will be soon.

I think I’m done.


I am.

Check, please.

April, 2003 News Archives

4/22/03 – Just maintaining the news section.  Not much going on….kind of a vacation thing happening.  I guess that means that since the release of the CD, it’s all about getting it to where it needs to get and putting it where it needs to be put.  Hoping to be able to post what radio stations in what areas are spinning some of the material soon.

Just one show coming up this week…Things start to kick in over the next month.  I never was one who liked the “incubation period” much.

Working with Molson to get some stuff happening in & around upcoming shows….okay, this really means free stuff for a bunch of people at shows courtesy of Molson Canadian, of course you’ll have to be there to get the garb.

Currently, the CD is for sale on the site.  For those of you who aren’t into online purchasing, drop an email & I’ll send a snail mail address if you’d like to purchase it using a check or money order….trying to please all that I can!

Well, I’m off to find some coconut milk to charge my batteries, wish me luck, Gilligan…..

4/10/03 – Well, I guess that I’m holding steadily to my not being good at keeping the news updated!  Always working on it, though……continuously.

Did the show in VT last week, just as I thought, slow due to weather (freezing rain) and also “live entertainment” being new.  Not bad, though…haven’t been to the place or what it used to be in years.

The CD is finally done!  I can’t say that enough.  I’m psyched….just something about the final product being in hand…now to do something with it.  Wanted to make sure that I throw the “you can get it here” mention in.

I’m off for a three night extravaganza.  Should be fun.

Gave the site a new look, hope you all like it.  I’ll add the clips back over the next few days. For now, I’m outta here….remind me to hit the car wash on the way through.

May, 2003 News Archives

5/31/03 – Yeah, so…..The Black Brimmer was a pretty good time on Thursday, & the weather held up….meaning it didn’t rain & I did the outdoor thing at Jillian’s last night.  I guess that I had the privilege of breaking in the deck for the summer….I’ll take it.  Trying to recap……threw in a few songs that I don’t normally do….Jeff, the singer from “One Down” stood in for a song….got to visit with a few friends that I’ve met over the past few months.  Oh yeah, and to the person that apparently isn’t a fan- if you’re going to advertise that I suck, make sure that underneath the “Sean McCarthy” on the 8×10 you write “sucks,” not “suck.”  Just a little proper English lesson that might help you to not sound like an idiot in future bathroom wall conversations.  🙂 ….Can’t please everyone.

Other than that?

It’s all good.

Little ditty.

June, 2003 News Archives

6/25/03 – Well, booking some summer stuff.  Was gearing up for more, still waiting to hear on a few things.  Apologies for not keeping this part of the site updated….I’m attempting to get off of the pc & enjoy the weather a little!  I did notice that a few places are still using the “jw” name in place of mine on return visits, not a big deal. I’m guessing that it’s more known than my own….I’ll break the news to those that are still unaware.

Speaking of that on a quick note, those of you that are wondering…..Vinny is doing well in RI and keeping pretty busy.  I’ll take it upon myself to pass along the “hello’s” from him.

Okay, another nice night…..I’m off.

Little red corvette.

July, 2003 News Archives

7/18/03 – Damn….that’s pretty much all that I can say about how I’ve been about checking email, keeping up on the site….and making changes & announcements regarding shows!  No more, though….I’m all over it from now on!

The “Larry the Cable Guy” show’s coming up next week…..looking forward to that.  The bread & butter shows surround that (gotta eat, right?)….  I’ve been getting calls & emails about getting into new places & getting back to places that I’ve been before- check the tour sched- it’ll be posted.

Back to the drawing, er… writing board.  Changes take place & I’m feeling inspired.  Let’s hope the new stuff doesn’t suck, k?

I’ll be putting up a track from the CD over the next week for download, for those of you that have yet to have your own copy and are just curious.  Also been getting requests for that long lost single “Goodbye”….I’ll slide that in there somewhere, too so you can grab it if you don’t have it.  If it makes the cut on the new CD (which I’m pretty sure it will), it’ll be different….so hold onto this version for a bit.  Haven’t got a copy of the CD? Well, it’s here on the site & at the shows. Matty’s been good about getting it into stores & is working on the radio play thing.  So if you here it, or see it…..drop me a line & let me know!

K, it’s late.  I’m off like that drawing-shaved thing should be on Prince’s face.

Harley David………son.

7/31/03 – Okay, first……..for some reason my email’s been down for the last few days.  So, if you sent something, or attempted to get on the mailing list….please send it again or do it again as it’s apparently fixed now.  Damned technical difficulties! Sorry ’bout that.

Now, onto other stuff.  The sold out show with “Larry the Cable Guy” was a great time.  Quite possibly the most down to earth guy that I’ve had the pleasure of sharing a stage with.  Big thanks to both him & Chris for the opportunity!

The night after I did a show in Franconia, NH at a place I haven’t been to in years.  Not expecting much…..I went in well, not expecting much. To my surprise it was a good time &  great crowd….although not a huge one. Nice to have things work out other that you had planned……sometimes.

Just returned from North Woodstock, NH.  Hmmmm, middle of the week shows in the middle of New Hampshire……..never know what to make of them.  Although, I got to see some old friends and meet some new ones. I’ll try to stay away from my norm and attempt to not suck at keeping in touch with both.

Pics from the other night’s show will get on here somehow over the next day or two.  Let’s face it, me just keeping up on this news thing is a pretty big leap in itself!

Well, I’m off.  Big night of attempting to sleep ahead of me as soon as I reach that point in the night.  ‘Night.

August, 2003 News Archives

8/1/03 – Just finished putting up the mp3 of “Sunday Morning.”  I figured that this site, being a music site….lacked music.  Also kicked back up the mp3 of “Goodbye” after many requests for it.  You can find them on the CD page.

Put up links to a couple of new pages including a links page & a radio page.  They’ll be updated over the next few days.

Hoping that tonight’s show at Burke Mtn. in VT is a good one.  Kind of last minute so it lacked a little in promotion, but I’m anxious to see the turnout.  Met briefly with the music director at Magic 97.7…..a northern VT radio station. Hoping that he hears the material & starts spinning something.  Fingers crossed for that as a little more radio play never hurts!

Well, I’m off.  The rest of the day’s a wastin’!  See you soon!

Update…..Just got word that WGXL 92.3 FM in Lebanon, New Hampshire is starting to play “Driving Towards The Moon” as of Monday, 8/4!  Click on the Radio link to find out more!

8/8/03 – “July” is now available at all New Hampshire Newbury Comics locations!

8/12/03 – So…..the weekend ends & my friggin’ site goes down again.  I’m thinking someone’s trying to tell me something. The good news is, it’s back.  And I’m pretty sure that it’ll stay up this time.  Just one thing after another….and another…..and another.

Just hanging and trying to get something out of the summer that seems to have all but passed me by.  Strange how life happens when you least expect it, huh?

Sending the CD out to more radio stations & working things from that end.  Did the WHOB Listener Appreciation Day on Saturday…….everyone from the station was great-  Apparently they’re doing another show in a couple of weeks and were kind enough to ask if I’d play it also…….of course you know that I’m in!  Check back for details on that.

Well, the day’s getting old I didn’t get much sleep last night… it’s off to bed or off to get something done……I’m thinking the latter.  Trying to change my ways in hopes of someday in this lifetime getting back things that I’ve lost (like my mind at times) & getting on with stuff seems like a good place to start.

I’m outta here…….


8/19/03 – Just back from the show in N. Woodstock- it’s 3:27 a.m. & I’m bushed!  Good show, though……not a huge crowd, but a very attentive audience, probably the most since I’ve played there.  Definitely felt comfortable and well within my element.

Off to Portsmouth next in a couple of days….gives me some time tomorrow (or “today”) to get some things done.

Speaking of today, before it actually gets here I figure I should get some sleep!  Wake me before I miss the day…….


8/21/03 – Okay, I really should learn to just leave this thing alone until the next day after the show!  Just rolled in (literally) from Portsmouth, NH……it’s 3:01 a.m. I figured it was a nice night for a drive, so after driving the 180 miles down to the show & playing the show, why not make the entire trip back?  Yeah, I know….only me.

Pretty good show all in all.  Nice night and considering the Gaslight Co. is located in downtown Portsmouth which is right on the coast, it’s pretty tough to beat in the middle of the week.  Saw a few familiar faces which was nice. Not to mention that the staff there is always very cool.

Regarding the WHOB show this weekend…….I’m out.  Due in part to a bunch of reasons, but in the end it was left up to me & with the Hampton beach show to do that night also, time just didn’t permit me to do a set in MA.  Thanks to Sara at the station for trying to work with me!

Yeah, so……before I try to think about why I spend so much time in convenience stores trying to figure out what I’m in the mood for after a show, I’m outta here.


8/30/03 – Just got the word back that “July” (the CD) is now up & available at!  For those of you that are or were planning on getting it, click on the CD link….go get it.

Also just got a call to go back to “The Whale’s Tale at the Casino Ballroom” in Hampton Beach, NH tomorrow night…..hey, not doing much else, I’m always up for a show!

Let’s see, other than that?  Nothing….

K, wait….something else….

Matty told me to make sure that I let you know that the CD is also now physically in all New Hampshire Newbury Comics locations!

There, my work here is done……for now.


October, 2003 News Archives

10/29/03 – New?  All kinds of stuff.  Took a break from the website thing because I just wanted to.  Maybe not a well-thought-out move career wise, but then again….it’s my career, right?  I’ve been doing shows right along. It’s been kind of nice just showing up without prior notice to those that are in the audience.  What I mean to say is, the response has been good.

Just settling into the new place (you’ve gotta know me better to get any more than that!).  Unfortunately, it’s made me steer away from the music thing for a bit. Meaning, new material and ideas are going through my head all the time, but I’m busy doing other stuff and clearing my head….glad to say I’m getting back to who I was when I was a better person….I think.  The past few months didn’t make for very good writing, at least not at the time. But once the smoke clears I’m sure they’ll account for a bundle of stuff.

I’m pretty much maintaining.  Hadn’t really checked the emails in a while- can you say, “pile-up?”  Of course now I see them & it’s apparent that I have to get back to those that missed me, thank you very much….

Most of you won’t get this, but I’m looking out the window on this really rainy day & even though it’s miserable outside, it looks amazing…..the view I mean, and everything around.  No, I haven’t gotten all weird and “earthy,” I’m just appreciating.

So, to those of you that were/are concerned, thanks- I’m doing just fine.  Booking a few shows here & there while I sit on this plateau & decide my next musical move. I’ve tossed those on the tour page if you’re curious & want to catch up.  I’ll be ripping down the guestbook shortly with no intention of replacing it….kind of a “just to let you know”….

Peace.  Over & out.  Roger, Roger.  Roger Rabbit. Shock the monkey.  Happy Halloween Happiness.

December, 2003 News Archives

12/3/03 – Just waking up from the trip back- Did an “unannounced” spot in Manchester, NH at Club Liquid last night with Smile Empty Soul & Gary Hoey.  Big Rock 101 fest.  Went pretty well considering the short set that I squeezed in.  Had the opportunity to meet Gary Hoey, Super nice guy- unbelievable guitarist to say the least.

Catching up on show dates & stuff.  Site needs an overhaul, guess I’ll be hauling some stuff out & other stuff in!  Stay tuned for that nonsense. Heading back to Manch for another spot at Jillian’s on Saturday- should be fun.  I’ll let you know.j

Let’s see, the holidays are coming….time to learn a Christmas tune, apparently…..we’ll see about that.

Been writing some new material, I’ll be trying it out while I’m out….so, get out with me and we’ll see what it’s all about, no doubt.  (Getting ready to go see The Kitty in the somethingorother- hey, you have your thing, I’ll keep mine.)

Happy shopping mall.

Buy some giddy for your giddy-up.

12/17/03 – Man, I just friggin’ slack on this update thing!  If I’d just realize it, maybe I’d be better off.

Just dealing with the weather.  Actually, not minding it. Bunch of snow- hey, it’s winter, right?

Okay, recap- ummm….did the “Jillian’s” thing a couple of weeks ago- big snowstorm, made it through.  Did the “Station” & “Patrick’s” thing last week, that was fun, too. Still alive. It’s back to “Jillian’s” on Saturday.  Should be a good time as there are supposed to be a bunch of people coming out. We’ll see what happens with that- better bring my Santa suit.

Still working on those Christmas tunes.  I was reminded that there are, apparently, A LOT of them to choose from.  Who knew?

Todd’s coming in from Seattle with his band next month.  Just trying to nail down the recording schedule for the new tracks.  Hell, still writing the new tracks!  I’m pretty happy with them so far, they need polishing, but it’s a forward motion right along and I’ve developed a system for what I’m going to keep- if they suck, they’re out; if not, they’re in.  Seems to be working so far.

Let’s see, what else?  Still going back & forth with the ski areas about dates.  Let’s face it, I’m just looking for the free lift tix! It’s also great to see everyone again to see what’s changed or hasn’t.

Time to realize that I’m not going anywhere with this news update.

Down the chimney.

12/22/03 – Okay, so for those of you that showed up at Jillian’s after I’d left for a bit & before I got back- things got rescheduled a smidge….kind of a last-minute thing.  Sorry I missed you & that you missed me. Due to circumstance, I had some time to kill early in the night and thanks to Matty (never saw someone pick up the phone so fast & make a deal so much faster!), I ended up doing a spot up the street w/Cherry St. & Purge DI.  Kind of stuck me in the middle of the show for a little more exposure.  Did drag a few of the gang with me along the way, very cool of them to come along even though it wasn’t in the plan.  Thanks to The whole Purge crew for making the space!

Now I’m back here….working on the new stuff which I’ll admit, I like.  Most of it anyway. I’m anxious to actually record some of it so that “I” can hear it.  It’s takes on new shape at that point and though that shape is sometimes in the form of pure “suck,” it’s the judge & jury that decides what happens next.  Count me in.

Christmas is just around the corner.  If this is news to you, there might be a problem with….well, putting it plainly, “you.”  Get out & spread some cheese on those crackers…..or some cheer- totally up to you. Remember to give a little to those a little less fortunate, too.  This, I’m serious about. You may very well have no idea how good or bad others may have it. A very small amount can go so far.

K, off to read “T’was a few nights before Christmas & all through the band truck….” (Still polishing that one up!)  In case I don’t get the chance to see you, have a happy one! Hope you get everything you wanted and a little more!

La ti da, La ti da, La ti da di da  (Now you’re getting it!)


January, 2004 News Archives

1/9/04 – So….showed up last night in Concord, New Hampshire for the show.  Noticed on my way into the parking lot something on the marquee about an “Elvis Impersonator” or something, same thing on the other side….like that- hmmmm…..very interesting.  Never knew I could actually do that! Story was, I couldn’t. Apparently a mis-somethingorother on someone’s part and I’m there next Thursday instead. Okay. Fine. Enough about that.

Did, however, get a chance to meet with someone regarding the college radio market.  Things there look good & if all goes well it involves a bunch of radio play & a tour to follow in the spring.  Fingers crossed on that one.

What else?  Well, moving along in the management end of things.  Working with another company based in Manchester & Rhode Island on the regional level.  It’s all about spreading things out…..the more people involved, the more that can happen, or go wrong…..we’ll see!

The Jillian’s show tomorrow night has been cancelled.  That’s all I’m saying about that. I’ll be there again at the end of the month.  Check the dateline.

K, freezing in the northeast along with the rest of my body….

I’m over.

1/16/04 – Back safely from the Concord, NH show last night.  Funny, I remember something about it being almost as cold as this last year in January!  I hope this isn’t going to be a regular thing!

K, back to the show.  Kind of a slow night as I’m sure the temp had an influence.  I did, however, really like the room. Just had a cool vibe about it.  Looking forward to getting back there when it’s a tad warmer.

Grabbing some shows back up in VT.  I’m thinking, why not? Word has it that I’ll be picking up a “regular” gig (bad word) for six weeks or so- check the sched.

Recording will commence apparently sometime toward the end of February.  Was supposed to start next week, but Todd’s itinerary just doesn’t leave enough room to give it (the recording) the attention we want to.  Figured that holding off until we had more time would be best. I’m excited. Have new material, will travel….or something.

Nothing else too crazy.  Just trying to keep warm.  You do the same. It’ll be good for you.

Off for two more fun-filled nights of entertaining……wave if you see me on the road!


1/17/04 – So, thanks to Will & Grace for the evening’s entertainment….I’m thinking that the night would have been rather boring if you weren’t there!  I know, those that weren’t there don’t & won’t get it, but I was & I do.

Early show tonight….that’ll be good.  Been busting out some of the new material during the show with pretty good response.  Some of it’s getting written or rewritten as it’s being played, but I’m definitely narrowing things down and ready to move on to more stuff.

Yeah, I’m done.

1/18/04 – Did the Vermont show last night.  Must admit, not what I expected. I figured that it would just be one of those long nights where no one cared if I was there as long as it didn’t interrupt their pool-playing, beer-drinking, “talking about other people’s business which is none of their business while blatantly ignoring the entertainment” nights (trust me…these shows I know about!).  Turns out, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Happy to admit! Had the opportunity to get reacquainted with some old friends & meet some new ones. Good times. Looking forward to getting back there in a few weeks.

One of the new songs seems to getting pretty good response.  It’s definitely one of my favorites. Although, it’s only about a week new.  I’m having these ridiculous thoughts of actually recording a full-production demo of it to pass around to those who might be able to further my search for success in this business- and maybe a copy for my mom. The ridiculous part comes in when I mention that I’d like to get the tracks done over the next 10 days or so while Todd’s touring over here.  Gotta see if I can nail him down for a few hours and make this work. We’ll see. If not? Not. It’ll happen in a month or so.

Matty’s working on some stuff.  I’m sure I’ll find out all about it once it’s too late and he’s got me roped into doing a Valentine’s gig as Cupid.  Or worse yet, a St. Patrick’s Day thing as a shamrock.

Later lucky charm

February, 2004 News Archives

2/16/04 – Okay, here’s the recap of the last few days….

Did a show, got pulled over…..something about going too fast in town, or something- no ticket.  Went to do another show the next day, things were a little slow & apparently it didn’t seem like the right day to be there, so we moved it to the next day which proved to be a much better idea.  Turned around & killed some time until the next show later that night, which was a really good time- got to see some old friends. Hmmm, yeah, slept…..then went back to the other show and did that, another good time.  And somewhere in there I got a call to do another show early this week. So, doing that.

There, aside from the actual details, that’s the sum of all things that occurred.  I’ll do it again this week.

2/20/04 – Trying to catch up on a few things that I’ve neglected over the past weeks, getting things out to where they need to go & trying to schedule things accordingly.  Fun!

Did the show in Concord, NH last night, sort of a slow night, but had a handful of people show up & we were able to amuse ourselves until the show was complete.  Got a call this morning to do a last minute thing in Waterville Valley, NH tomorrow during the day, again….I’m in. Talking to some people about some things- secured some concert appearances for the Arena Football League this spring/summer.  4 spots to be exact which are to take place outside the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire before each game. K, enough about that as something was also mentioned about a press conference that I have to attend to seal all of this up.  when it’s finalized, I’ll share it & the dates.

Off in a little while for the show tonight.  Should be a good time as it always promises to be.  Snow tonight & tomorrow…..yay….got spoiled last night with clear roads for my travels.  Time to wake up and realize that I’m not in Kansas anymore.

Come on , Toto….let’s go.

3/17/04 – Been doing some shows, trying to keep up with things.  Just like me, haven’t been able to. I’m currently recording new material for an Indy release for the end of April…..this year.  It might lack the luster of a shiny package, and may contain some “demo” stuff…..but I just want it out! Kind of a for sale at shows & on the web thing.  I’m just anxious to keep things moving.

Had to turn down a show in Dover, NH tonight as there just weren’t enough hours in the day to get there in time.  Didn’t like doing that….but didn’t have much choice. Apologies to all involved in that fiasco.

Press conference tomorrow at the Verizon Wireless Arena tomorrow afternoon.  Should seal up all that’s happening there (see 2/20/04).

That’s it.  If it looks like I’m slacking in the tour and/or news department…..I’m wrapped up in the loft writing & recording.

Over & over.

March, 2004 News Archives

3/19/04 – Had a press conference yesterday in regards to the Manchester Wolves “Tailgate Concert Series which is to take place outside the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire.  Below is the story that was featured in the Manchester Union Leader….

MANCHESTER — Outside the Verizon Wireless Arena, an afternoon crowd listens to a free concert while youngsters take turns on the 24-foot climbing wall. They await the kickoff for indoor arena football, the latest pro team to capture the city’s interest.

As a local band revs up the music, fans are Dancing with Wolves in downtown Manchester — so to speak.

This will be the scene, a marriage of sports and entertainment, when the Manchester Wolves Tailgate Concert Series begins April 10 at the civic arena. Pregame plans were announced yesterday as local bands, city officials and team officials met at Verizon Wireless Arena.

Before all eight home games, fans and passersby will be treated to a free concert outside the arena from 5-7 p.m. The Wolves announced a partnership with, which seeks to promote unsigned local bands.

Non-football hits will be provided by such acts as Angry Hill, Boomslang, Sleepwalk and Purge Di.

“We want to bring downtown alive at five (o’clock),” said Wolves General Manager Angelo Mazzella. “Our goal is to make every home game an event to be remembered.”

Mayor Bob Baines said the announcement adds to Manchester’s appeal as the “dining, cultural and sports center” of New Hampshire, if not New England.

“We used to roll up the sidewalks at five, and now we’re rolling out the welcome mat at five,” Baines said. “When you live in a city, you should be able to come out after work and have some fun.”

The Wolves, who’ve sold more than 3,000 season tickets, recently conducted their first official practice. When the home season begins April 10 against the Quad City Steamwheelers, bands Angry Hill and Josh Logan will serve as the warm-up act. A portable 24-foot climbing wall will be set up, courtesy of Vertical Dreams of Manchester.

Many band members were on hand for the announcement yesterday, including Jay Bellaud of Purge Di, Manchester West graduate.

“It’s going to be a high-energy show. With the combination of sports and music, it’s going to make the whole thing like a festival. It should be pretty wild,” Bellaud said.

Purge Di will combine with Sean McCarthy for the season’s final concert on July 30. Two acts are scheduled for each night in the Wolves Tailgate Series.

Pervez Taufig, lead singer for Living Syndication, which plays May 28, has watched arena games on TV and can’t wait for the opportunity to play at the VWA’s doorstep. His band blends a variety of ethnic sounds with a “harder edge,” he said.

“It can be difficult spreading your music for bands, but this gives us an opportunity to expose our music with some fans that might not ordinarily hear it,” Taufig said.

Mazzella reminded fans that bands will cater to the family audience, playing popular cover songs and adding to such themes as “70’s Night” with the Wolves.

A schedule for the Tailgate Concert Series: April 10, Angry Hill and Josh Logan; April 30, Boomslang and Sean McCarthy; May 21, SED and Josh Logan; May 28, Living Syndication and Sean McCarthy; June 18, Sleepwalk and Josh Logan; June 25, Purge Di and Sean McCarthy; July 16, Crown Victoria and Josh Logan; July 30, Purge Di and Sean McCarthy.

For information on season tickets and single-game tickets, call the Wolves at 627-9653.

April, 2004 News Archives

4/17/04 – Just back from the show in New Durham, NH.  Nothing too crazy….until the power went apparently in the entire town.  Hung out with the patrons & then decided to pull the plug, grab a bar stool & play some tunes in a much more “close up” scene.  Haven’t done that in a while! Hmmm…let’s see, the 125 mile trip each way & long day have my mind ready for sleep, but I’m determined to try & share some news that’s happening…..

Plenty of material for the CD, now it’s down to the studio.  Trying to make a deal happen with Onimic Records.  Just had the first meeting in regard to that that yesterday….more to come there.  On the phone & email with Todd Johnson once again for the drum tracks, just trying to get everything working with everyone’s schedule, flights & stuff.  Todd Bowie, co-producer of the tracks on “July” has just released his CD “Lucky Space People” (  The initial CD release took place in Lake Geneva, WI & another release party is set for May 7th in Loudon, NH.  I’m looking forward to hearing his new material live & apparently will be performing a couple of songs myself that night as well thanks to his generosity.  Once it’s ironed out, It’ll be on the tour schedule.

Just gearing up for everything & hoping it all works out.  I’ll do my best to keep things updated in the news department…..but should I suck at it, chalk it up to me being me!

Seemingly falling apart at the seams but prepared with a needle and thread…..I’m done.

4/29/04 – Well, this is fun.  A couple of shows tomorrow- one rather large one & a new venue on Saturday & I started getting sick a couple of days ago.  I figured that it would pass, but instead it’s just taking a different shape. I’m so excited. I do remember years ago being the singer in a band and not being able to speak a word, but miraculously being able to sing the entire show that night.  Of course that was followed up shortly by numerous visits to a throat specialist and something about having to remove “nodes” on my vocal chords due to over usage…..or something like that. But I’m wiser now & at least this time I’m aware of what I’m doing to myself.  I’m sure I’ll be fine. And, if the shows don’t do it, I’m guessing that the driving involved over the next few days will. I really need to hire someone for this stuff!

Okay, enough about me.  Or rather, how I’m feeling.

Still working on stuff.  Always working on stuff. Tomorrow’s appearance at the Verizon Arena will include all original stuff.  I remember something about someone wanting a few covers, but everyone is making changes along the way, so I’m sticking to this.  So, if you make the show and are wondering…..yep….all originals. Matty had an idea and wants to record one of the Verizon shows for a live CD.  Okay. Why not? It’ll come out with the full length CD- just more stuff to offer to those that care. Oh yeah, also have a meeting on Sunday to get the work started on a video/documentary, and possible both.

Hmmm…..what else?  Nothing. Sleep.


May, 2004 News Archives

5/2/04 – So, I can still speak.  Made it through the weekend’s excursion- and I mean made it through!  Definitely didn’t include my best performances.  A few days of not singing and I’ll be good as new.

The Verizon thing was okay.  Nothing too spectacular, but what’s to be expected on a Friday afternoon?  Jillian’s was a good time. I apparently had the pleasure of breaking in the deck which many thought would close due to the temp.  Didn’t happen…..they just kept on coming out. The new place (for me) in Franconia was a pleasant surprise. Very comfortable with good people.  Booked some more dates & I’ll see them in a couple of weeks.

It’s Sunday.  I’m leaving it at that.

5/11/04 – First, the weekend……It was great to see Todd on Friday night ( and I want to extend my thanks to him for letting me open the show.  Had a blast & wish him the best of luck with the new release! I’m sure we’ll be in touch.  Saturday also proved to be a good time with Mike Rivera ( & I’m in hopes that it’ll open up some doors for both of us in the very near future.  I look forward to more shows together separately as well as together….we know what it means!

I’m sitting here on this Tuesday night with a bunch of things running through my head.  One of which is, “who am I writing this to?” My answer is, it doesn’t matter. It helps me vent.  If you read it, you either; care, are seeing my site for the first time, have tons of time on your hands or haven’t seen me in a while and this is how you “keep in touch.”  Regardless, I think that I’ve just come to the realization that this stuff, 1) makes the site interesting, or B) is nothing more than an admission that I talk to myself occasionally……maybe too often.

Somewhere things got lost.  While watching Mike R. do his sets the other night (all original material aside from a few select songs, I might add), It made me think back to why I do this.  Okay, the cover material pays the bills, but when did it become that many covers??? Sorry to those venues that I frequent that expect that (covers), but I’ll be flipping it around over the next couple of months.  It’s my show….someone will play your requests tomorrow night or next week. Don’t ask me for any unless it’s something I wrote.

I recently played somewhere that had this kickin’ marquee and did a great job of letting everyone that passed by and/or came in what was happening and who was coming to perform.  The staff was great, the owner couldn’t have been better. The comment was made to me that when this person saw my name on the marquee, they expected to come in and see someone playing Irish music all night.  Well, to each his own. My reply to that? Either keep on going or stop in…..I’m not changing my fucking name. And no, my name’s not Johnny. It never was. And I don’t even play one Irish song. But I’m pretty sure that I’m plenty Irish!

In a world where no one returns anyone’s phone calls, myself included in that at times, I say this- email.  It works. Those that are affected by me saying this can take it for what it’s worth.

I’m very appreciative for anything and everything that someone does for me or my career.  This is a tough business. Those of you that think that we “professional” musicians just sing a few nights a week, sleep until noon and do nothing else are sadly mistaken.  I’ve done both- this, and had a regular day job.  The day job is much easier.  Trust me on this.

5/29/04 – Did the Verizon show yesterday at a local club in Manchester, NH due to rain.  Started late. Stayed late. Met some good people. Shared the show with “Living Syndication.”  Great band.  Those that click on the link (because you can and it’s a killer site!) will surely wonder what the hell I was doing being paired up with them- meaning, they’re a little heavier than my stuff- putting it mildly.  Well, that’s just how it was. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know that what I listen to is not exactly what I write or play.  I’ll listen to this band. Damn- I forgot the CD! I’ll fix that.

After the show, conversation and a few drinks, it was down the road to Jillian’s.  Again, I like the place. Many thanks to everyone who continuously comes out to support me there!

I’m off to Franconia, NH tonight to a small club that I’ve found to be pretty comfortable.  Should be a good time.

Working on some things for the new CD.  Some good things have come to my plate and it’s just a matter of piecing everything together in a short period of time.

Holiday weekend.  Time to start holidaying.

June, 2004 News Archives

6/6/04 – Well, after an unexpected appearance back at Jillian’s last night, a fun-filled evening, it was followed up in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot.  The place was closed aside from the drive-thru….threw….through (pick one).  What ever happened to 24 hours? Matty got there first. He rounded the corner of the building, swung into a parking space and mumbled something about getting his coffee for free in exchange for a CD.  This, of course, also involved him promising the girl that I’d be right over to sign it. I’ve kicked the coffee thing, but I was up for a hot chocolate. Walked up to the drive thr……..whatever, and the autograph apparently was compensation enough for beverages all around.  My burnt tongue is thankful. I’m thinking that the post-Jillian’s appearance there next week will require a cash payment as I’m all out of “new to the Dunkin crowd scribbles.”

I wish I had another good story.  Something. Anything. Apparently I’m forced to ride the hot chocolate story for a while longer.  Here’s a tip to all those that were “working” last night in between their smoke breaks (coffee girl excluded, as she seemed busy enough)……time to make the donuts, people.  Time to make the fuckin’ donuts.

I guess I just miss the muffin man getting things done.

Croissants all around.

6/22/04 – Trying to recap the last couple of weeks- this would work MUCH better if I’d keep up with this stuff!  Okay, here goes. If it’s not the way that you remembered it, keep in mind that I’m right because this is my story.

Did the Rock 101 spot, planned on going in, talking a bit & having them spin something off the CD.  Ended up playing a track live. If you were listening & weren’t familiar with the cut, it was “My Juliet,” new stuff that’ll be on the upcoming CD.  If you weren’t listening, it was “My Juliet,” new stuff that’ll be on the upcoming CD.  There, I think I’ve covered that. Thanks to Amber & Mike & JR who really do look too good for radio.  Oh, not to forget Matty who was in the studio with me. I know he wanted to belt out a few notes, but refrained due to a lack of being warmed-up.  Good call, Matty, good call.

Then it was off to “Jillian’s” for the night.  Good time. Got home, rested, went down to bike week in Laconia, NH for the day Sunday.  You know something’s going to go wrong when it’s almost 10 am and everyone pulls into the first place that serves alcohol.  Let’s just say long day and a ridiculously fast ride home. Those that are up on the “Sean’s Harley Davidson” stories, it’s running like a top…..and then some.  Hmmm….let’s see……..a couple more days went by and, what a surprise- back to Laconia on Wednesday! Fun for all! Took it much easier this time around. Still blew the entire day there.

Gathering myself early Thursday, I would make yet another trip back to bike week that evening.  Little different, no bike. Although, jam-freakin’-packed-venue to say the absolute least! Got to see an old band mate from 8 or 10 years ago, word is a one-show reunion would be a good time.  I’m in, but only for 90 minutes. That’ll be long enough to reminisce and get 3 or 4 counties back together again. Friday it was off to Hampton Beach, one word- damn cold (remember, my story).  Good time, but cold.  Looking forward to waiting for warmer weather for the next rip down that way.  Saturday it was back up north to Franconia, NH. Hello to “Howie Day’s” friends & neighbors- you guys (meaning, “girls”) were tons of fun!  Thanks for hanging with me & singing. By the way, I think there’s a bill for rent on that fish-bowl margarita that took you 12 hours to not finish.  Just figured I’d pass the word along so that you’d be prepared for a future visit.  I’ll do my best to get up to Portland soon. Be sure to bring the choir.

Which brings us to yesterday…..skipping over a couple of days.  Last minute booking for Friday night in Manchester, NH. Squeezed it in there between the Verizon show & Boston.  Fit perfectly.

Don’t think I’ve missed anything.  Pretty sure. Yep, I’m finished.

Ausust, 2004 News Archives

8/14/04 – Wow…..long time.

Let’s see, yanked into my VT driveway after the Thursday show at 5:30am- Just got in from Hampton Beach….it’s 3:40am.  MUCH better beating the sunrise to my destination. Although, sure is quiet ’round here…..

(Insert cricket sound of your choice)……

Hmmmm, highlights of the past month & more…..I remember getting pulled over and passing the sobriety test.  I remember getting pulled over again. And then once again. That was one night’s entertainment. Happy to report no DUI’s or tix.  Small town cops……need I say, “How fast was I going, Officer?”  Or, “My eyes are glossy? How much have I had to drink?  Really….are you serious?”  How about this- “It’s fucking 4am, you and I are the only one’s on the road, I’m exhausted with a capital ‘I wanna go to sleep‘- good reason for the glossiness, huh?”  In all cases we both called it good and I anticipated an even faster trip home since I then had to make up time.

Okay, enough of the recap.  682 miles since yesterday & the weekend’s half over…..I’m thinking only another 500 or so should do it.  Good time in Hampton tonight, or “last” night for those of you that concern yourselves with the actual time rather than if you’ve been to bed or not.  Thanks to everyone who wanted to get away from the Phish-fest, the bachelorette party and those who just came down for the warmth and sunshine but got screwed out of that.  Much obliged.

Okay then.  I’m all out.

Pillow please.

September, 2004 News Archives

9/2/04 – Yeah, I know.  Just booked a show in Manchester with Graham Colton ( & Averi (  Deal is it’s free for 21+, $10 if under.  Graham Colton has been touring with Counting Crows, O.A.R., Howie Day & Dave Matthews. Averi is a Boston-based band with very big things happening.  More info to be announced @

More sooner than later.

May, 2008 News Archives

5/11/08 – Quite Simply….

I guess I couldn’t leave it alone. While my guitar gently wept (sorry, just fit), I took a day job, switched to another corporate day job and, pretty much, held on to my music career somewhere in a safe in the back of my mind all while hoping I didn’t lose the combination to the lock. Thankfully, I’ve received either phone calls or emails over the past couple of years from those who just don’t seem to be willing to give up on me . Oh, sure- I’ve performed a handful of sparsely advertised shows in sparse areas where the attendance was, well, “sparse.” Truth is, each one was enjoyable in it’s own way, but seemed to be lacking in foundation. I guess what I mean is, I’ve just been having a hard time jumping back into things without either a new product or at least a focused direction. Somehow, in my head, I needed to have a reason.

So, as to not go on and on as I’m sometimes known for, I’ll get to the point. Here’s my reasoning….

It’s part of me. Wow- can you say, “cliché”??! Whatever, it is what it is. Songs that I’ve written will be new to those that are just discovering me, there are some rare recordings that I hope fans will at least find amusing and there are demo versions, and in some instances “first” recordings of material that some know well. It’ll be here for your downloading and listening pleasure while I work on new stuff. I’ll keep things updated, I’ll make progress, I’ll include those that care in the loop. Okay, three goals…..that’ll be enough for now!

Thanks for listening, or reading, or at least wondering where this is or was going.